So excited to finally have "the blog" up and running. This social media stuff is time consuming. I dream of the day when I have enough money to pay someone who knows exactly what they're doing to take care of all the tweets, posts, blogs...well, you get the point. In the meantime, that person will have to be me. I do enjoy it, but the work takes away from my first love, writing.
I'm excited to present to the world my new book, Bottle Banished: Dreaming of Genie. This site is going to be a place for "Genies Galore." A corner on the web to hang out if you like anything to do with those creatures of smoke and fire. Everyday (well, most days) new things will be added. I will also scour the Internet for the best jinn/genie art and share with you. Books and movies that feature these magical beings will be hot topics. I may even post a book review or make suggestions for reading. Who knows! I promise a good time.
So welcome! Please, return. More pages are forthcoming. Until then, happy reading, writing, living. May your day be filled with magic and mirth!
Love this picture! Oh...expect to see plenty of purple.